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True Love WebRadio some about

The story of trueloveradio.live has started with one beautiful love story between Ti and Vee, when in summer 20, on a little beauty ice cream shop, the universe has made the union of the two spirits in a cenary of beautiful Brazilian beaches, where blessed by the sun, the moon and the families, but mainly by the smile and the love of the wonderful little girl Sy, who blessed the union and enchanted everyone wherever she went, making this summer the best summer for all of them.

It was a beautiful summer full of lots of fun, travel and love, the beautiful couple enchanted everyone wherever they went, with their beautiful songs, their smiles and loves blooming and spreading in the air wherever they went, a true love story has drew in every way.

But not everything is perfect, when winter has came and literally brought a pandemic situation, all the problems of the new modern and unusual life appeared at the same time, the eyes of Vee shined to other stars and Ti and his loves were abandoned, heading for another planet, and even today their location is unknown in the vaste universe.

Ti walked alone this winter, had a hard winter with only sparse messages from vee in a new fun life, in another worlds with her new extraterrestrial friends, everyone saw the passionate look shine to the other planets and Ti continued to walk alone, living in different land taverns because he couldn't bear to stay at home anymore, living other people's dreams and discovering more of himself, alone or with your family and friends.

Then he encouraged himself and returned home, mysteriously, he had a crying crisis when he crossed the land border, he felt that a part of his life stay here, but a new and wonderful life was on the horizon ...

... and spring came with new winds, a new smile, Ámp, for one night, which became two, three, a thousand and more and more and more and more, a new family, a new home, a new country and a beautiful new story, with peace, togetherness, everyone was strengthened and a new life was made, little Thom came with his beautiful smile, small hands and big heart, while vee lives his true love story with his eyes shining among the stars .

So, a true love, a true story of two people (or three, four, five, six) with great musical taste and whim was immortalized on a radio that will animate your love story, a radio for you to listen to one night, a week or a lifetime for a competent technical team, our goal is to follow your story, bringing true love to your days, enjoy it!

Apart from loud and filtered sound quality we have massive coverage of local and global loyal listenership by the highest responded programs round the week.

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Morgan threture

Founder at - Airway

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Morgan threture

Founder at - Airway

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Morgan threture

Founder at - Airway

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Morgan threture

Founder at - Airway

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